当前位置:笔趣小说 > 历史军事 > 芝加哥1990 > 第二百七十二章 Where Is The Love

第二百七十二章 Where Is The Love(2 / 2)

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people killin

people dyin

children hurt and you hear them crying

will you practice what you preach

or would you tu the other cheek

father father father, help us

send some guidance from above

these people got me got me questionin

where is the love?

where is the love?

where is the love?

where is the love, the love, my love






it just aint the same

old ways have changed




他当场写词曲,当场分发,“我负责副歌以及部分rap,菲姬你负责where is the love, the love, my love这几句,迪莱你有一段,common sense你也有,艾尔,你负责最后那段rap行吗?能搞定吗?”





开唱片公司的不会缺少乐器,大家很快进入排练状态,这次就连比较傲气的common sense都被宋亚折服了,“你确实很叼,aplus。”




i feel the weight of the world on my shoulder

as im getting older, yall people gets colder

most of us only care about money makin

selfishness got us followin the wrong direction

wrong information always shown by the media

negative images is the main criteria

infecting the young minds faster than bacteria

kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema

whatever happened to the values of humanity?

whatever happened to the faiess and equality

instead of spreading love we spreadin animosity

lack of understandin leading us away from unity

thats the reason why sometimes im feelin under

thats the reason why sometimes im feelin down

its no wonder why sometimes im feelin under

gotta keep my faith alive till love is found

now ask yourself

people killin

people dyin

children hurt and you hear them crying

will you practice what you preach

or would you tu the other cheek

father father father, help us

send some guidance from above

these people got me got me questionin

where is the love?

where is the love?

where is the love?

where is the love, the love, my love

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